Sunday, March 13, 2016

PSTT College Bid

College Fellow/Member name : Gail Eagar

School : Barton Primary and Early Years Centre

Background to the project
There are a number of schools in special measures/requiring improvement, the majority of schools prioritise literacy and numeracy.  Last year, our school (based in the most deprived area on the Island) was also in special measures.  Barton school ensured that Science was still of high importance.  Through good quality Science teaching and leadership, standards and attainment were raised in both in Science and other subjects. In May,  OFSTED rated us as a ‘good’ school.  Now we want to take this achievement one step further and support other schools to help them raise the standard of the teaching and learning of Science.

As technology is at the forefront of Science and learning, we want to make a ‘Science Technology lab’ for schools on the Island to use.  Recently, a new member of staff (Andy Fessey) joined us. He has the knowledge, vision, drive and enthusiasm to support this venture.  He has been trialling different ways to enthuse his students in Science.  Using new technologies, he found that children from disadvantage backgrounds (of which there is a high percentage in our school) were more switched on and eager to learn through the use of technology.  He found that by teaching Science in this creative/technological way, supported raising the standard of not only Science, but computing, literacy and maths skills.  (Evidence of this available on request). 

Description of your project 

Our project idea is to have a ‘Barton Science Tech Lab’.  In the lab will be up to date technology to help children investigate Science using the latest digital equipment. (See equipment budget breakdown). 

The ‘Science Tech Lab’ is a project that will bring Science to children in a way that is interesting, relevant, engaging and motivating to Barton them. The project – when up and running will be child –led, with older children modelling to younger children and those from other schools. 

The equipment will enable our school and other interested schools to teach parts of the new primary Science curriculum in ways that we have not been able to do before due to lack of equipment.

Staff lack knowledge of how to use technology linking with Science.  So this project will enable teachers to receive the training required to become more confident to use the different technology.

The project will give the children from Barton the opportunity to be ‘tutors’ to the children from Barton and other schools.  This will help raise the attainment and enthusiasm of Science. 

Using technology (i.e. ipads) will help the SEN/less able children to record orally and give them a sense of achievement at being able to speak about what they find out instead of the frustration of trying to write about it. 

Higher ability children will have the opportunity to move forward with their own learning, by helping others learn and the freedom of trialling new tech in their own way.

Pupil voice showed that last year, when the children were taking part in Science lessons using technology- they were motivated and engaged. 

Children (-prioritising those from disadvantaged backgrounds/SEN/LA will have access to ‘Barton Science Lab’ once a week after school to help raise attainment in Science.
Shared Practice
Science coordinators will be invited to an open evening.

As the Island is quite small, we will be willing to share the facilities with any schools that are interested.  (We can make a cluster of specific schools if required).

We will host a ‘Science Technology’ day which other schools can bring children to sample what we have to offer.

Interested schools will come and use our facilities.

When the project is established – Barton will host child-led joint Science technology projects. 

Staff questionnaires
Pupil voice
Feedback from other schools
Work scrutiny
Progress measures

By beginning of December

Ordered equipment needed   (See equipment needed breakdown)


£200 supply cover

By the End of December

Set up ‘Barton Science Tec Lab’
£400 supply cover
By the end of January
Children from KS2 introduced to ‘Barton Science Tech Lab’
Regular Science lesson taught in lab

Barton Staff training
£200 supply cover to prep for training session

All children from KS2 to access ‘Barton Science Tech lab’.

Spring term
Local engineers/experts to work with children in lab

£200 supply cover
Science co-ordinators to visit ‘Barton Science lab’ for open day

£200 supply cover to prep for open day

Schools from around the island have a ‘taster’ session during Science technology day.

£200 supply cover
Summer Term
Schools from around the island use the ‘Barton Tech Lab’.

£1400 time out of class
Summer term
Local engineers/experts to work with children in lab x 2 days

£400 supply cover

Time out of class needed & Science engineers

Time out of class to order equipment & set up the lab (3 days x £200)


Time out of class to train Barton Staff (1 day x £100)


Time out of class to support other schools using lab (9 days x £200)


Expert engineers: (3 days x  £300)


Time out of class to work with engineer so that info can be given to other schools.  (3 days x £200)


Equipment needed

Digital microscopes (2 x £50)


Rasperry pi, cases and external hub (5 x £30) (£50)


7 inch LCP monitors with keyboards (5 X £70)


Raspberry Pi cameras (3 x £25)

Connecting leads 
GP10 boxes: (5 x £70)

Mini ipads (30 x £200)


Digital stop watches (20 x £5)


Data loggers (2 x £150)

Lab coats:  KS2 size (30 x £13)


Lab coats: 30: KS1 size (30 x £11)


Digital weather station (2x£30)

4 Tronix integrated robots (2 x £66)
Movement sensors 96 x £10)
Headphones 30 x £10
Total request

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